Visa宣布试点推出Visa Commercial Solutions Hub,以统一其商业支付生态系统
新的全球平台将通过高效、直观和易于实施的解决方案实现对业务支付的无缝管理 旧金山--(美国商业资讯)--全球数字支付领导者Visa (NYSE:V)宣布推出一个新的商业支付生态系统——Visa Commercial Solutions Hub。这项...
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
年纪大了总觉得眼睛干涩、磨得厉害,尤其是看报、看书、看电视后,双眼异物感明显加重,方阿姨以为点个眼药水就没事,没想到遇上的是种慢性病,一点也不好对付! 眼睛异物感小毛病 却治疗了一年多 福州的方阿姨今...
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
国际锌协会宣布Boliden总裁Mikael Staffas为新任主席
国际锌协会(International Zinc Association,简称“IZA”)高兴地宣布Boliden总裁兼首席执行官Mikael Staffas成为IZA的新任主席,IZA董事会今天在伦敦金属交易所年会(LME Week)期间确认了这一消息。 Staffas先...
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
Kinaxis被Nucleus Research评为TMS技术领先企业
Kinaxis Maestro™因超越传统运输管理功能而广受好评 安大略省渥太华--(美国商业资讯)--端到端供应链协调领域的全球领导者 Kinaxis® Inc. (TSX:KXS) 被知名投资回报率技术研究和咨询服务机构Nucleus Research评为...
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
Arthur D. Little and Mathlabs Announce Strategic Partnership to Improve Open Innovation Outcomes Usi
LONDON -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Arthur D. Little has announced a strategic partnership with Mathlabs, a cutting-edge innovator in AI-driven company analytics. The objective of this joint offering is to...
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
Sonar to Improve the Quality of AI-Generated Code, Provide Automated Fix Recommendations
AI Code Assurance supports the safe and effective use of AI-coding assistants with specialized review and elevated visibility for AI-generated code AI CodeFix supercharges developer productivity wit...
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
数字化转型领域的全球领导者Crayon今天宣布,在其人工智能(AI)创新10周年纪念期间,它已经实现了四个关键的增长里程碑。面对瞬息万变的市场带来的挑战,公司迎难而上取得胜利,并将其成功归因于与Amazon Web Service...
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
Novaliq和Laboratoires Théa宣布建立合作伙伴关系并获得Vevizye®(环孢菌素0.1%滴眼液)欧盟批准
以独特的EyeSol®无水技术为基础、专注开发一流眼科治疗药物的生物制药公司Novaliq与欧洲领先的独立眼科护理集团Laboratoires Théa (Théa) 宣布,Vevizye®(环孢素0.1%滴眼液)获得欧盟委员会批准,并且双方已签订...
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
Ferring Pharmaceuticals bolsters global gene therapy supply chain with European manufacturing facili
This milestone represents significant progress in Ferring’s manufacturing capabilities to meet anticipated growth in demand for Adstiladrin® (nadofaragene firadenovec-vncg), a gene therapy for peo...
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
能源和基础设施合伙人Kristian Bradshaw加入Hunton Andrews Kurth东京办事处
Kristian Bradshaw是一位享誉国际的能源律师,为日本和世界各地的客户提供复杂项目开发和融资方面的法律意见。他已加入Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP,成为东京办事处的合伙人。 Bradshaw的执业领域主要集中在能源、基...
资讯 · 2024-10-09 -
Egon Zehnder Expands Canadian Footprint With New Vancouver Office
The new office is the Firm’s third location in Canada and second in the Pacific Northwest, marking sustained growth in both markets VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Egon Zehnder,...
资讯 · 2024-10-09