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Ascom signed a 5-year framework contract with Istekki in Finland

Baar, Switzerland, April 11, 2024

Ascom, a global leader in healthcare communication and workflow solutions, has signed a comprehensive framework agreement with Istekki, a significant Finnish healthcare organization. The 5-year agreement has an estimated volume of EUR 6 million and includes the installation of nurse call systems in acute and long-term care institutions.

Ascom and Istekki have a long history of collaboration, having worked on various sites and solutions together and now broaden their cooperation. Istekki, one of Finland's leading healthcare ICT companies, collaborates with 19 municipalities and cities in 15 of the country's 23 welfare districts. Istekki's workforce includes around 1400 technological experts and distinguishes itself by its ownership structure: it is owned by its end users, who include healthcare and welfare districts.

In the evolving Finnish healthcare sector, Ascom and Istekki's strategic decision to collaborate is based on a shared goal of improving workflow operational efficiency through innovative healthcare communication solutions to address the growing nursing staff shortage, while also using data to improve patient care and monitoring. Istekki is critical to the further development of healthcare solutions and the optimization of patient care. The signed framework is based on Ascom’s Telligence's nurse call for acute care and teleCARE IP. It will replace the legacy nurse call system.


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