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ntelligent Chip Design代写、代做C/C++,Java程序语言

Machine Learning Intelligent Chip Design
Homework2 Channel and Interface
In SystemC, interface is an abstract class that inherits from sc_interface. Interface can be
used to define communication protocols between different modules. It only describes the
communication methods and protocols and does not involve specific data transmission.
A SystemC channel is a class that implements one or more SystemC interface classes and
inherits from either sc_channel or sc_prim_channel. The following figure shows some
primitive channels and interfaces defined by SystemC library:
Implementation Details
The purpose of this homework assignment is to give students an opportunity to practice
using sc_signal, sc_buffer, and sc_fifo to establish a communication mechanism between
different modules. You are required to divide the AlexNet model implemented in HW1 into
several sub-modules (not necessarily distinguished by layer) and then connect them using
these three SystemC channels. The result of the model's execution should be identical to
that of HW1.
Implement Notes
• Module Boundaries:
Ensure that each submodule has clearly defined boundaries and that any communication
and interaction between them is clearly specified. This helps reduce coupling between
modules, making the code easier to understand and debug.
• Module functionality:
Each submodule should have specific functionality, and these functionality should be as
independent and reusable as possible. This makes the code more modular and individual
modules can be easily replaced or modified when needed without affecting other
• Testing and Validation:
Each submodule is unit tested to ensure it functions properly and as expected. In
addition, integration testing should be performed on the entire system to verify the
interfaces and interactions between modules.
Submission Guidelines
• Please compress a folder named HW<ID>_<studend-ID> into a zip file with the
same name and upload it to E3.
• The folder should include:
o Report (Name: HW<ID>_<student ID>.pdf)
o Codes
o Makefile
• Example:
• You don’t need to upload parameters.
• Ensure that your code is well-commented and organized for clarity and
• Plagiarism is forbidden, otherwise you will get 0 point!!!
• SystemC Implementation:
Use SystemC to implement the AlexNet architecture and connect modules through
sc_signal, sc_buffer and sc_fifo.
• Report:
A brief report containing
o Simulation results demonstrate the predicted output for the provided input data.
o Your implementation approach, challenges faced, and any observations or insights
gained during the implementation and simulation process.

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