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代做ICS4U、代写 java 程序语言

ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
Assignment 3 – Car Rental System (CRS)
1. General Info
You are to help CIMP to write Car Rental System (CRS). The system will be used by the system’s employee so data will not be randomly entered by customers. It has the following functionalities
• Import existing cars from a textfile that contains all the cars’ info.
• Add a single car into the system manually.
• Display cars in the system. May filter the display:
o Displaysedansonly
o Displaycoupesonly
o Displaycrossoversonly o Displayconvertiblesonly o Displayallcars
• Rent cars
• Return cars
• Exit (leave the program)
2. Program Flow
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
3. User Interface a) Main Screen
      b) Import Cars from File
   After importing, we can see all cars.
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
 c) Add Single Car
Adding a Sedan
   Adding a coupe
 Adding a Crossover
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming Adding a Convertible
   When displaying all cars, it shows the new cars:
  d) Display Cars
We can display all cars
   We can also display a spcifici type of car (Sedan in this case)
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
 e) Rent Car
Let’s say we want to rent the car with Car-ID 1008
We will enter the information. If it satisfy all criteria, then it goes through
    The rented car in the Display screen
I may rent another car
  Here’s another car rented in the Display Screen
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
 f) Return Cars
Let’s return 1008, which driving within the allowable distance (Allowable is 1250 km, shown in Display Screen)
After returning 1008, that row is clear. However it shows that the car’s mileage went up by 1000.
Now let’s return 1457, but drove more than allowable distance
Then it will calculate the penalty and show it on screen.
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
4. UML Diagram
Here’s the UML diagram of the program. Your program must follow the same structure.
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
5. Text File & Database
The program comes with a text file called CarList.txt, that contains some dummy car information. You may import it into the garage, so that you may test your program easily. The columns are separated by a colon “:”
Example of the textfile:
    0:Honda:Civic:Good on Gas
0:Toyota:Corolla:Top Safety
   Column 1: Column 2: Column 3: Column 4:
Car Type. Refer to Car class to see the values and their corresponding car type. Car maker. This is the company that makes the car
Car model. The name of the car.
The special information specific to a car type:
- Sedan
- Coupe
- Crossover
- Convertible
Special information about the car
If it contains back seats
Number of seats it has
Time to open the soft(or hard) top in seconds
    The Car-ID is not in the textfile, because your program should automatically generate it when a new car is added.
     Extra – For those who wants to understand the code inside Database.java (NOT REQUIRED): For more information on how to work with .txt using Java, please refer to the following websites:
• https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/different-ways-reading-text-file-java/ • https://www.javatpoint.com/java-bufferedwriter-class
    6. More Information a) Database
The Database will store all of the Car objects in an array. We haven’t learnt how Array of Objects work, but assume it’s similar to storing any normal data type in an array.
b) Car ID (ID)
Each car will have a unique Car ID. Each new car going into the system will have a randomly generated ID assigned to them. The range is between 1000 – 1999, therefore only 999 cars can be stored into the system.
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
c) Different Car Types
The system only has 4 types of parcel: Sedan, Coupe, Crossover and Convertible
Each type has their own type specific Extra Info and formula in calculating the Allowable Distance and the Extra Distance Penalty Fee. Please refer to the following table:
Type Extra Info
Special Info – Describes what special features the sedan has.
If the coupe has a back seat or not.
The number of seats the Crossover has.
The time it takes (in seconds) to open/close the convertible top.
If the renter did not exceed the allowable distance, then there’s no fee. If it exceeds, here’s the table:
   They are represented by an integer. May refer to Parcel class to find the values.
Sedan = 0 Coupe = 1 Crossover = 2 Convertible = 3
   However, when displaying parcels in the table format, it is shown as:
Sedan = “SED” Coupe = “CPE” Crossover = “XOR” Convertible = “CVT”
     Allowable Distance
   Extra Distance Fee Formula
= ⌊ 
× 250⌋ • = 1.25 × 
= ⌊ 
× 100⌋
Note: ⌊@⌋ system means round down to the nearest integer.
Has backseat:
= 74× +20
= 74× +35 =2× +25,%≤6
=2× +45,%=78
= 1 ×( ))+55,%>8 30
 No backseat:
= ⌊ ! × ( 
× 150)⌋
if the car is being rented for less than 5 days, then
= 500
if the car is being rented for more than or equals to 5 days, then
= + 5 
× 400,
And the renter will get 5 days bonus (Calculation doesn’t include the bonus 5 extra days)
= 2-...//(0123456789.): + (750 − 25.5 × sec) where ? = time in seconds to open/close top
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
7. Working with Date class
This assignment, you will be using the Date class and calculate the due date. The following are some links you will need to research a bit on yourself:
    Parsing and Formatting Dates in Java
 http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-date-time/parsing-formatting-dates.html
Add days to current date
 https://www.mkyong.com/java/java-how-to-add-days-to-current-date/
Convert Date to String
 https://www.javatpoint.com/java-date-to-string
Convert String to Date
 https://www.javatpoint.com/java-string-to-date
Constructors and Methods in Date class
 https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_date_time.htm
 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Date.html
 8. Requirements
• Do not change the Database class. If Database is changed and program cannot be compiled, then you will get zero.
• Must use the Database class to help you store and access the data. Read the JAVA DOCS (Comments) to help you understand how to use each method inside the Database class. Just understand the method header is enough. It is not necessary to understand what is happening inside each of the method.
• Program must follow the program flow chart and UML diagram.
• Do not create extra classes
• Do not create extra public methods (except helper methods in CRS class)
• Must complete all template methods and the main methods.
• Each class must be in its separate file to improve readability and maintainability.
• Do not use anything that’s not taught in Unit 1-3 (Eg: ArrayList, LinkedList, 2D-Array, etc.)
• Must create extra helper methods (Part of the marking scheme)
• Must follow Front-End and Back-End design. (Except DisplayCar() method in CRS)
• Must utilize Polymorphism correctly (Program may still work without using Polymorphism at all)
9. Error Checking
• Must check if options entered are valid.
• Must check if ID entered are valid (exist or not).
• Must check Car Type is valid
• Must check number of days is valid (positive)
• Must check distance is valid (0 or positive)
• Assume when creating a new car, Extra Info will always be valid values.
• Assume options entered will always be the correct data type (Eg: If the Scanner is expecting an int, I will
not enter a string)
• If user entered info is wrong, it will go back to the main screen. Program will NOT repeatedly ask for the
correct info.
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
10. Provided Templates and Files to Submit
  Provided Code & Template
   Files to submit
   Do not submit the following
   Car.java
 Convertible.java  Coupe.java
 Crossover.java  CRS.java
 CRSMain.java
 Database.java
 Sedan.java
 CarList.txt
    Car.java
 Convertible.java  Coupe.java
 Crossover.java  CRS.java
 CRSMain.java
 Sedan.java
   Database.java
 CarList.txt
 Any.class or.java~
  11. Note
 You may write as many or as little code. However, try to aim for my benchmark.  My sample code (excluding Database.java) contains 869 lines of code
 The templates contain a total of 235 lines of code already.
 You just need to write 633 lines of code to complete this assignment.
 Working with friends is highly encouraged, and may share ideas. However no sharing of code. There are
programs that can check the program’s similarity, and I can see who are copying programs.
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ICS4U: Unit 3 – Object Oriented Programming
12. Marking Scheme: Checklist
 Created and Used Methods correctly
 Used Classes and Objects correctly
 HaveInheritance
 HaveEncapsulation
 HavePolymorphism
 Displayinfocorrectly
 Program loops correctly between Menu and Screens  Usedmaterialnotfromlesson
 AddCar(Object)
 RentCar() is working
 ReturnCar() is working
 DisplayCar() is working
 DisplayCar(int) is working  Usedmaterialnotfromlesson
Your Mark
Out of 4
4 -14 28
Out of 5 12
3 -15 30
Out of 4
4 4 8 4 8 4 -20 40
Out of 4
4 24
                                 Knowledge Total:
Application Total:
Your Mark
Your Mark
 Created Global Constant variables and used them correctly/efficiently
(minimum 5)
 Created Non-1 Line Helper Methods and used them correctly/efficiently
      (minimum 2)
 Applied Inheritance Efficiently/Correctly
 Applied Encapsulation Efficiently/Correctly
 Applied Polymorphism Efficiently/Correctly
 Followed UML diagram design
 Followed Frontend & Backend Design
 Check invalid input
 Used material not from lesson
 HaveJAVADOCforHelperMethodsthatyoucreated  Correct Method & Variable naming convention
 Comments in code
 CodeIndentation
 ClearUserInterface
 Appropriatewarningmessages
Thinking Total:
Communication Total: PERCENTAGE:
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