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Assignment 1: Optimisation
Where to submit: Submit the assignment report via the Blackboard Turnitin submission
For this assignment, you must carry out the process of attempting to solve different
optimisation problems. For each question, you are required to report your results in detail. It
should include your best solution and its corresponding solution procedures. If you are asked
to solve those sub-questions using MATLAB, their MATLAB source code with detailed
comments is required.
Marks will be awarded based on how well your submission addresses the above points.
This assignment is worth 20% of the total marks for the course.
Question 1
Suppose a linear equation is to be fit predicting raw material price as a linear function of the
quantity of product A and produce B (made of the same raw material) sold given the
following data:
Quantity of product A sold Quantity of product B sold Price of raw material
9 1 5
13 8 2
17 3 9
8 5 10
10 9 4
15 2 6
Assume the prediction equation is


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