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Cell Impact已收到电解领域价值1800万瑞典克朗的订单

瑞典卡尔斯库加2024年3月12日 /美通社/ -- Cell Impact已经签署了一项关于电流板、工具和固定装置的协议,其价值略高于1800万瑞典克朗。该合同标志着Cell Impact进入电解槽市场的重要一步。

Cell Impact has signed an agreement concerning flow plates, tools, and fixtures to a value of just over SEK 18 million. The agreement, spanning 30 months, introduces a new market segment for Cell Impact as well as a new, European customer. The customer boasts a promising unique technology for manufacturing PEM electrolyzers. The project is set to begin in March 2024, with deliveries initially expected to continue until mid-2026.
Cell Impact has signed an agreement concerning flow plates, tools, and fixtures to a value of just over SEK 18 million. The agreement, spanning 30 months, introduces a new market segment for Cell Impact as well as a new, European customer. The customer boasts a promising unique technology for manufacturing PEM electrolyzers. The project is set to begin in March 2024, with deliveries initially expected to continue until mid-2026.

该协议为期30个月,为Cell Impact引入了一个新的细分市场,并引入了一个新的欧洲客户。这家客户拥有一种前景看好的制造质子交换膜电解槽的独特技术。该项目定于2024年3月开始,最初的交付预计将持续到2026年中期。

Cell Impact临时首席执行官丹尼尔•瓦林说:"该客户技术解决方案的优势之一在于,使我们使用基于Cell Impact Forming™ 技术的现有生产线就能够供应电流板,而无需修改我们的机器," 他总结道:

"在Cell Impact,我们一直专注于增强电解槽的产品。2023 年,我们在中期报告中通报了产品样品交付情况和正在进行的客户项目。该协议证实,我们的技术和产品对电解槽也具有吸引力,电解槽是绿色氢气生产的关键组成部分。"

根据《欧盟市场滥用条例》,这些信息是Cell Impact AB有义务公开的内幕消息。


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